Other art societies you belong to?

Institute of East Anglian Artists.

What led you to start painting?

I’ve been painting since I was a child and remember the thrill of using poster paints. In fact, after 40 odd years I’m still using the medium in the form of Winsor and Newton artists quality gouache.

Do you have a preference for painting style? If so, can you describe it?

Style does evolve over the years with hard work and close observation hopefully it has improved. I enjoy painting with Gouache, oils, acrylic and drawing with charcoal. My style is representational and can also be painterly. I do experiment, for example in recent years I have begun to use mixed media. The end result is not so representational. My aim is to create a sense of light, atmosphere and texture in my work. Through composition and colour harmony I try to create an interesting piece of work.

The best thing ever invented was:


If you could give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Do not be disappointed if you do not succeed. Keep going, you will succeed eventually through observation and hard work.

My favourite place to paint is (and why):

I live and work in one of the largest forests in the UK. My work is in response to the forest parks, rivers and farmland surrounding my home in Brandon, Suffolk. The cycle of the seasons is something that continually interests me, so the landscape plays a major part in my work.  I am still amazed how nature adapts to hard weather yet recovers to bring fresh growth in spring.

Is there somewhere on your wish list of places to go and paint? If so, where and why

es, there are many places around the world that would be inspiring to paint. One of these I visited recently – Venice.  Wherever you walk in Venice there is a painting around every corner. However, I’m always drawn to the East Anglian countryside.

Artists who inspire you:

Seurat, Bonnard, Ken Howard, Fred Cuming and David Hockney to name but a few.

Your favourite colour to paint with?

Cobalt blue.

Best piece of advice you were ever given about art?

There are no rules in art: be brave. Experiment and try new things. Draw and paint what you see, not what you know is there.

Best piece of advice you were ever given about anything.

Don’t overthink, keep it simple. As an artist paint for yourself. If you are not, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.