
Important information

It is crucial that artists read the following key pieces of information before submitting artwork to any of our exhibitions

The Society aims to hold two exhibitions a year

Spring Exhibition is a showcase for all members of the Society. It is usually held in Suffolk.

Waterways in the late summer/early autumn exhibition is our Festival of Watercolour, open exhibition. Held in Cambridgeshire.


The society awards prizes for paintings determined to be best in show by the judges at our annual selected exhibition.

What visitors say about our exhibitions

Lovely, well presented exhibition with real impact

So lovely to visit the exhibition again after 18 months

Exciting and bold

Fantastic quality and range of styles

Variety is eye-catching

‘Completely bowled over by the exhibition, absolutely beautiful’.

‘Super exhibition – lovely to see beautiful expressive watercolour’.

‘Beauty in paint, paper, perfection: excellent’

‘Wonderful variety of subjects and some very talented artists’.